Gladman Appeal

Published: 17 March 2021

TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING APPEAL Dear Sir/Madam Proposal: OUTLINE - Erection of 150 dwellings (including 25% affordable housing) with associated infrastructure, planting/landscaping, public open space, surface water attenuation (SUDs) with exception of the main site access and emergency access (Access to be considered) Location: Land North West Of Swanland Equestrian, West Field Lane, Swanland, East Riding Of Yorkshire, HU14 3PG, Appellant Gladman Developments Ltd Appeal Start Date: 14 July 2020 Appeal Type: Refusal of planning permission Appeal Process: Public Inquiry I am writing to inform you that the Planning Inspectorate have decided to allow the above appeal. You can view the Inspectors decision online at using reference APP/E2001/W/20/3250240 or on the councils public access website at using our reference 20/00028/REFUSE Document